Sunday, December 18, 2016

Expectations vs Hopes

Dear Self,
Please do know how important it is to differentiate between the two of expectations and hopes. They are both looked incredibly similar but no. They came from different family and brought up.

At many point of your life you often get disappointed. Most of the time not because you are hopeful to get or achieve something. But you expecting it. Living as a God believer we’ve been warned that we may and may not get what we wish.

Expecting uses a lot of assumption that it must happen or we deserved to have it happen. Expectation is cruel and selfish. It is like defying the fact that there is God who has all the right and power to let anything from happening, or simply not at all.

Expectation also seemed to turn us into a human-being who defies the truth that nobody’s perfect. And the fact that nobody has to be one. Including yourself. And the worst version of expectation is the one not communicated and self-implied.
Just to be very clear that there is absolutely nothing entitled us to expect anything. Not from fellow humans, cats. From God? that’s just don’t make any sense to expect anything from our creator. But He wants us to pray. To ask. But doesn’t mean He has to grant everything.

Hope is the best substitute. It doesn’t mean we have to be passive just to have hope. Ask, effort, pray and lastly hope that it will happen. Almost guaranteed nothing will wreck us down. Hope will turn us into humble, because we know just how little we are a creation, and how important to bear in mind that we live and die to be only dependant on Him. That’s the ultimate concept of life.

Nothing will tear us into pieces. Because we know that there is an element of God in every single thing. To happen or not. In fact, in each and every single of life is by and from God’s intervention. So there is no need to worry, sad or angry. Because He knows better what needs to happen to us. Just keep repenting and be content. Hopefully we pass and grant us Jannah. 

After all that is the ultimate destination of eternal happiness. It won’t be any easier for non-believer.